Lambchop Rasbora
Lists of Lambchop Rasbora
Product Offers for Lambchop Rasbora Care: API TROPICAL FLAKES Fish Food, or find other offers here
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18 1 1 3
12 1 1 0
6 1 1 1
34 1 0 1
42 1 0 1
34 1 0 2
17 1 1 1
19 1 1 5
40 1 1 3
Product Offers for Lambchop Rasbora Care: API TROPICAL FLAKES Fish Food, or find other offers here
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Lambchop Rasbora is a type of fish native to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Its body is contrasting and attractively colored. These small fish are easily stressed when kept individually, so they must live in groups of 5 to 6 fish in a group. This beautiful fish is also an active and agile swimmer.
Harlequin Rasbora